

퍼스트디스 대표 (오옥희), AI EXPO 2012에서 약물정보 CDSS 시스템 발표


퍼스트디스 대표 (오옥희), AI EXPO 2012에서 약물정보 CDSS 시스템 발표

“The Next Big Thing in AI”

• 주최: 한국정보과학회 (KIISE)
• 주관: 한국정보과학회, 컴퓨터지능 소사이어티(KSCI)
• 날짜: 2012년 4월 27일 금요일, KIST 국제협력관
• 참고: 행사정보 pdf 파일 다운받기

Session VI: 바이오헬스 3:00pm~5:00 pm

• 경북대 강순주 교수(차세대 소프트웨어 플랫폼 개발 센터장), Software-Platform towards Self-Orgnization
  of Interconnected Health Devices
• 정영복 코디네이트(기술표준원), Framework and Roadmap for Standards Interoperability of Healthcare
  based on ICT sector
• 이명훈 대표(D&P Biotech), The needs for IT to realize personalized medicine
오옥희 대표 (퍼스트디스), Medication related clinical decision support system
• 노영희 대표(대양이티엔씨), 미래융합신산업, U-Wellness 시스템 개발 및 구축 사례
• 황희 교수(분당서울대병원 의료정보센터장), 차세대 병원정보시스템 개발과 해결과제

오옥희 대표(퍼스트디스) 발표 내용

제목: Medication related clinical decision support system
요약문: In Korea, the drug use process has changed significantly since the new pharmacy law was implemented in 2000, separating the prescribing and dispensing functions between physicians and pharmacists.

From January this year mandating real time drug utilization review (DUR) practice between prescribers and community pharmacies immediately before dispensing medications through HIRA infrastructure.

However, a high prevalence of inappropriate prescribing has been suspected and not really helpful to reduce potential incidence of medication errors due to suboptimal DUR contents software and lack of national medicinal identification code system.

Drug Information Framework-Korea by FirstDIS is the first medication related clinical decision support system in Korea and is now utilizing in several university hospitals integrated into EMR or OCS. Today I will show the advanced DUR system included reliable clinical DUR criteria to make lower healthcare cost and improve patient care.